About Work Unit Files

A folder named [WorkUnits] is created at the same level as the project and a subfolder is created in it with the Work Unit's name.
The Work Unit file is created in this subfolder.

Content of the Work Unit Folder

In the Work Unit folder, the following files are created:

  • .atmcunit file (Work Unit file)
  • .materialinfo file (Material information file)
  • Materials folder (Material root folder)

    The names of the Work Unit file and material information file must be the same as the folder name.

Separate management of the materials

By default, when creating a new Work Unit, the [Use Unique Materials] option is checked.
However, you can also choose to manage the materials globally. This makes it possible to refer to the same material folder between different Work Units.

Moving the data (Work Units) to other projects

By moving the entire Work Unit folder to the [WorkUnits] folder of another project, you can move the actual Work Unit between projects.

Detecting a Work Unit which is not registered

Normally, Work Units are searched for and registered when opening the project.
If a Work Unit is added to the [WorkUnits] folder using Finder (Explorer in Windows) while the tool is running,it is considered "Unregister".
An unregistered Work Unit will only have its name read. Cues and Materials under it will not be read.
A Work Unit can be registered by selecting the [Registration of unregistered Work Unit] command from the context menu of the Work Unit.