Create a Cue sheet

Cue sheets are created from the Work Unit Tree View.

Create a Cue sheet from the right-click menu

  1. Right-click on the "Cue Sheet Folder" in the Work Unit Tree.
  2. In the context menu that appears, select [New Object] → [Create Cue Sheet].


Checking the Cue sheets in the Cue sheet folder

When you double-click a Cue sheet folder in the Work Unit Tree, a list of the Cue sheets in the folder is displayed in the List Editor.
The Cue sheet list also displays the Cue sheet settings.


Creating a Cue sheet from a material folder

There are two ways to create a Cue sheet from the contents of a material folder: When you drop a material folder into a Cue folder, a dialog box will appear.
So, choose from the following creation methods:

How to create a Cue sheet What is generated Supplementary information
Create a Cue sheet from a material folder Create a Cue sheet using the dropped material folder as the Cue sheet.
However, if there is a material folder inside the dropped material folder, it will be created as a Cue folder.
Create a Cue sheet with multiple materials combined.
Create a Cue sheet from each material The dropped material folder will be created as a Cue sheet folder.
Each material in the dropped material folder will be created as a Cue sheet.
Use this when you want to create one Cue for each material.