Differences Between Buses and Categories

Differences Between Buses and Categories

Item Bus Category
Mixing Signal level Parameter level
Effect effect plugin Parameter level
Apply AISAC No Yes
Limiting effect plugins, signal level Limited based on the number of Cue playbacks
Volume adjustment Per bus Per category
Snapshot Yes No

How to Change the Volume

Waveforms are mixed at the signal level on a bus.
The volume parameter is adjusted in a Category.

Ducking and Limiting

You do not know how many sounds are played on a bus. However, you can analyze the volume and apply a compressor.

With a Category, you know how many Cues are played, so you can limit their number.
You also know how many Cues are played and in which Category, so you can also use a REACT processing.


When you auto-modulate parameters in an AISAC, you can treat them as effects in the Category or Cue.
You must send them to the bus before you can perform effect plugins.