
Basic functions

The pitch shifter allows you to change the pitch without changing the playback speed using FFT.

Number of Number of channels

  • Input: 1 to 8 channels
  • Output: Outputs the same as the input channel. All input channels are subject to the effect.


  • You can change your voice to sound more impactful, such as harmonizing like a vocoder, or making it sound like a robot or alien.
  • By enabling formants and changing the formant values, you can change the voice to suit different genders, ages, or even to sound like a duck or a mouse without changing the pitch.

Pitch shifter settings

Item Description Initial Value Lower Limit Upper Limit
Pitch Shift Specifies the amount of pitch variation. (The recommended range for a good sound quality is -300 to 300 cents) 700 cent -2400 cent 2400 cent
Pitch Shift Mode Specifies the pitch shifting mode:
Vocal (enables formant)
Effect (emphasizes localization)
Speech (enables formant, emphasizes localization)
Music - -
Formant Shift Specifies the amount of formant shifting. This value is used when the Pitch Shift mode is "Vocal" or "Speech". 0 -2400 cent 2400 cent
Window Width Specifies the size of the blocks processed by the FFT (i.e. the length of the analysis window). Larger values increase the spectral accuracy but make the sound less sensitive to quick changes. 1024 128 2048
Overlap Specifies how the FFT analysis window slides over the signal. If the next analysis window overlaps a lot with the current one (i.e. if the overlap parameter is high), the quality is higher but the load increases. 4 1 8