
Basic function

This is an effect which simulates space by adding reverberation.


  • Input: 1 - 8ch
  • Output: 1 - 4ch


  • Processing load is relatively low.
  • The input is mono DownMix and then applied with a reverb effect, and if necessary, stereo conversion (feedback, stereo delay with filter) and surround conversion are performed.
  • Memory usage depends on maximum room size and maximum pre-delay size.
  • Not good for long reverbs.
  • It is recommended that you use it in combination with the Dry sound, as there will be no localization.

The parameters for the delay are detailed below.

Parameters for the Reverb

Item Description Initial Value Lower Limit Upper Limit
Maximum Room Size Maximum room size. *1 50 m 1 m 100 m
Room size Room size. 10 m 1 m 50 m
Config Max Pre-Delay Time Maximum pre-delay time. *1 1000.00 msec 0 msec 1000 msec
Pre-Delay Time Pre-delay time. 20.00 msec 0.00 msec 1000.00 msec
Reverb Time Reverberation time. 0.00 msec 0.00 msec 20000.00 msec
Cof Low Low range cutoff frequency for reflected sound. 0 Hz 0 Hz 24000 Hz
Cof High High range cutoff frequency for reflected sound. 8,000 Hz 0 Hz 24000 Hz
Reverb Mode Change the reverb input / output destination. Surround Surround / Stereo / Rear only / Center only

1 Initial value when generated by the runtime. It affects the size of the buffer needed.

About the Reverb Mode

Item Description
Surround The input of all the channels (1 to 8) is mixed to monaural, and expanded to matrix surround (L, R, sL, sR) according to the number of output channels of ASR.
Stereo Input / Output is performed with 2ch (L, R).
Rear only Input / Output is performed only with rear ch (sL, sR).
Center only Input / Output is performed only at the center ch.