
It is possible to assign an amplitude envelope to each Waveform region.

Envelope Parameters

Item Description
Attack Slider Attack time (msec)
Hold Slider Hold time (msec)
Decay Slider Decay time (msec)
Sustain Slider Sustain level
Release Slider Release time (msec)
Release starts once the sound is stopped.
Attack Curve-type Button Type of Attack curve
Decay Curve-type Button Type of Decay curve
Release Curve-type Button Type of Release curve
Attack Knob Strength of Attack curve (0.0~2.0)
Decay Knob Strength of Decay curve (0.0~2.0)
Release Knob Strength of Release curve (0.0~2.0)

As for the Slider, you can edit the numeric value directly by right-clicking it.
As for the Knob, you can edit the numeric value directly by clicking the value displayed on its right side.
As for the Graph curve, please see "Graph Curve".

Division of Tasks Related to the Envelope

Item Designer (Atom Craft) Program
Setting the initial value of an envelope
Modifying the envelope parameters ✓ (parameter override)