Configuring Language Settings
Name Description
Name Specifies the name of the language setting.
Reference Folder Name Specifies the Waveform management folder for this localization language.
Output Folder Name Specifies the folder in which the binary files are generated for this localization language.
Replacement Language Specifies the replacement language to use when a Waveform material referenced is not available in this localization language.
Prefix Specifies the prefix added to the language-specific Waveform material name. Example: By specifying en_, the Waveform name with en_ prepended (en_aaa.wav) is treated as (aaa.wav).
Suffix Specifies the suffix added to the language-specific Waveform material name. Ex.: By specifying _en, the Waveform name with _en appended (aaa_en.wav) is treated as (aaa.wav).
Exclusion Suffix Specifies the suffix to exclude from the language-specific Waveform material name. Example: By specifying _men, the Waveform name does not contain _men (aaa.wav) is treated as (aaa_men.wav).
You can specify multiple exclusion suffixes by specifying ignore suffixes with space separation.
OutputPrefix Specifies the prefix prepended to the localized output file name. Example: By specifying en_, a file with an en_ prefix (en_aaa.acb) is generated.
OutputSuffix Specifies the suffix appended to the localized output file name. Example: By specifying _en, a file with an _en suffix (aaa_en.acb) is generated.