Types of Parameters in the Parameter Palette
Name Range of Parameters Description
Output ASR Rack ID 0 - 7 Specifies the destination ASR RackID
Available only for Cues and Cue folders.
Player Fader True/False Set True to add a player fader when a Cue is played.
You can fade sound by configuring a player fader action in the player action Track.
Sound Renderer Type (for Android) ASR/Native Sound renderer used for playback
You can select Native to use a Voice Pool for low-latency playback.
Sound Renderer Type (for PS4/PS5) ASR/Object-Based Audio Sound renderer used for playback

The "Sound Renderer Type" parameter can only be set for Android and PS4/PS5.
When you configure the sound renderer settings, you must set the build target to one of the mentioned targets (Android, or PS4/PS5).