Session Window

Session Window

The session window allows you to do the following operations without leaving the tool.

  • Test the effect of Selectors, Game variables, AISACs, Blocks, Mixers, and Snapshots
  • Perform a simple preview of a fader
  • Test Category volume, AISAC preview
  • Perform a simple preview of 3D positioning
  • Preview using multiple Players

Advantages of previewing with the session window

  • A separate player is provided for the session, allowing you to control playback for each player. This allows for more detailed checks than with normal previews.
  • When checking the mixer, you can specify the switching time when switching snapshots.
  • A GUI for manipulating AISAC control values ??allows you to manipulate two values ??simultaneously.
  • A GUI for manipulating 3D positions is provided. You can check the distance and positioning between the listener and the source.
  • You can control the playback of switch cues using selectors.


A player is an object that controls playback for cues.
It controls 3D positioning and AISAC control.

In the session window, you can try out various operations on the "player" that is normally handled by the program.

Preview method

You can preview by dropping and adding the cue you want to preview to the player.

Description of each view

Scene view

You can save, reload, and switch session settings as scenes.

Scene button

Item Description
Scene menuDisplays the scene menu.
Prev/NextSwitches the scene.
SaveSaves the state of the current scene.
ResetReset the current scene. The list of Cues remains unchanged.
InitInitializes the current scene. The list of Cues is also cleared.
Reload Returns to the last saved scene.
Various view buttons Shows / Hides various views.

Scene menu

Item Description
Scene Name Switches scenes. The current status is automatically saved when switching.
Duplicate Based on the current scene, creates a new scene and save.
Rename Changes the name of the current scene.
Delete Deletes the current scene.
Revert All Scene... Deletes all scenes and return to the initial state.
Open Session Folder... Displays the folder where the session information is saved.



You can switch Mixers and snapshots.
You can specify the snapshot switching time.

It will be reset when unchecked.

Game variables


You can change the value of game variables.

It will be reset when unchecked.



You can stop or update Category volumes.

It will be reset when unchecked.


If there is an AISAC linked to the Category you can change that AISAC.

3D Positioning

The 3D position of the source and listener can be manipulated to check the localisation and the way distance attenuation is applied.

Operation is initially disabled. Operation is enabled when all of the following conditions are met.

  • Change the 'Pan Type' of the cue or waveform region to be played back to '3D Positioning' or 'Auto'.
  • Play the cue in the session window.
  • Activate the check box 'Attach 3D object to player'

For more information see '3D Positioning'.


Changing the target to control the position


By choosing the listener as the target of the operation, you can change its position.

2D view


You can manipulate the position of the selected target in the 2D view on the left.
You can zoom in and out of the display range by using the wheel.

Player List


You can view a list of the players you have created, and perform stop processing, volume changes, 3D flags, and fader settings for each player.

A minimum of 2 players and a maximum of 16 players can be created.



You can stop and reset the Player, and switch the display of each view.

This views can be rearranged or windowed.

About reset

Player parameters

  • Resets the parameters for the player.

All parameters

  • Resets all cues and parameters that the player has.


Adding a Cue

You can add a Cue by dragging it from the Work Unit tree and dropping it on the window.
When you drop a Cue folder or a CueSheet, all the Cues it contains are added.
(Up to 200 Cues can be added to a single Player.)

Play / stop in Cue units

You can play / stop / pause single Cues by using the Cue transport panel.
In the runtime, this operation is performed by using a PlaybackID.

Stop behavior varies depending on conditions

  • If a fader is attached to the Player, stopping stops the entire Player.
  • If multiple identical Cues are being played, stopping stops them all at once.

Deleting a Cue


Right-click to delete the currently selected Cue.

Playing the Cue

The transport playback button highlights during playback.


Replacing a Cue

You can change its position by pressing the "Up" button.


Playing from a keyboard shortcut

You can play a Cue by pressing the corresponding key, displayed in the "Shortcut" column.

It works only when this window has the focus.


AISAC Control

You can change the AISAC control.

About items displayed for the AISAC control


  • Displays all AISAC controls.


  • Only displays the AISAC controls that were updated at least once in the Player.(enabled the check box)

Selected Cue

  • Only AISAC controls that are used by the selected Cue will be displayed.

The AISAC control of a Linked Cue will not be displayed.


It will be reset when unchecked.


You can select a Selector Label.


It will be reset when unchecked.



You can switch between Blocks. Only available blocks are displayed in the currently selected Cue.