Preview on development machine

Preview is also possible on development machines other than PCs.

By selecting "Preview Target" from the toolbar, you can preview the playback for the selected target.
Please make sure that your PC is connected to each development machine before previewing.


Please refer to the model-specific sections in the ADX manual for information on connection settings for each development machine.

FAQ: How can I perform a preview for a target?

Benefits of previewing on a development machine

By playing back from an actual device, such as a development machine or a smartphone, you can check how the actual speakers sound, how the hardware effects are applied, and changes in the waveform codec.

  • Preview on PC is performed using the PC version of the ADX library.
    • Please note that the pronunciation may differ depending on the platform and model.
  • Differences in operation may occur depending on the parameters set when initializing the ADX library.
    • For example, the number of polyphony per voice and the maximum playback pitch.