Profiler window

The Profiler window displays a profiler that collects and visualizes information about sounds played at runtime as logs.


The profiler window has a menu bar and toolbar for operations such as starting and stopping.

Capture Menu List

Menu Description
Start / Stop Starts logging if it is not running, and stops logging if it is running.
Reset Reset the display.
Load Log... Opens a window for loading and displaying previously acquired logs.
Settings... Opens the Log Acquisition Settings window.

View menu list

Menu Description
Auto-track When logging, automatically scrolls the display to the end of the data.
Viewer Set whether to show or hide each viewer.
Page Specify the page to display.
Reset View Layout Resets the displayed windows to the initial state.

The toolbar is located at the top of the Profiler form.


List of toolbar buttons

Button Description
Starts or stops logging.
Opens a window to load and display previously acquired logs.
Automatically scrolls the display to the end of the data when logging.
Set whether to show or hide each viewer.
Specify the page to display.
Set the filtering for log display.

For information on how to use the profiler, see Profiler (measurement of playback information) .