Audio File List Pane

Audio File List Pane

In the Audio File List Pane, information about the audio files and their encoding settings are displayed.

The following shows the columns of the list. You can edit the columns with a (#) symbol.

Column Description
ID (#) Specifies the content ID used to generate an AWB file.
Content name (#) Specifies the content name used to generate an ACB file.
Comment (#) You can enter a comment about the file.
Codec (#) Specifies the compress codec.
Sample Frequency (Hz) Sample frequency of the original audio file
Resampling Frequency (Hz) (#) Determines whether to change the sample frequency and, if so, specifies the new frequency.
Encoding Quality (#) Configures the encoding quality (not available for ADX codec).
Cutoff Frequency (#) Determines whether to use the cutoff frequency when the HCA is selected and, if so, specifies the frequency.
Compression ratio Ratio of the size of the encoded file to that of the original data.
An asterisk (*) is appended if it is an estimated value.
Encoded Size File size after encoding.
An asterisk (*) is appended if it is an estimated value.
File Size Size of the original audio file.
Volume (#) Specifies the encoding volume.
Loop Start Shows the start of a loop that is embedded in an audio file.
Loop End Shows the end of a loop that is embedded in an audio file.
Overwrite Loop Settings (#) Specifies whether to ignore embedded loop information to configure loop settings,
and, if configured, whether to repeat the loop or play once without repetition.
Overwrite Loop Setting Start (#) When the loop settings are overwritten before loop playback, specifies the information about the loop start position.
Overwrite Loop Setting End (#) When the loop settings are overwritten before loop playback, specifies the information about the loop end position.
Number of Channels The number of channels in the audio file.
mono:1, stereo:2
Number of Samples The number of samples in the audio file
Playback Length (sec) Total playback time of the audio file.
Local File Path Full path to the audio file.