About Tool License

Tool License is the license that you need to start up CRIWARE tool.
After installing the tools, you have to apply the tool license when you sign up.

License acquisition and authorization can be done online.

Items Required for License Authorization

To obtain a license to use the tool, you will need the following items.

  • “CRI Authorization Tool (CriAuthorizationTool.exe)“ is required for license acquisition.
    For details about how to obtain/authorize your license, please refer to the CRI Authorization Tool Manual.
  • Mac
+- Authorization
+- CriAuthorizationTool.app
  • Win
+- Tools
+- Authorization
+- CriAuthorizationTool.exe
  • “CRI Authorization Tool“ requires internet access to perform CRIWARE tools' license authorization. Please ensure that your PC is connected to the internet.
  • A valid e-mail address is required for obtaining the license. (User registration)

Before Using the Tool

Install the Tool

You can install this using the installer.
“CRI Authorization Tool (CriAuthorizationTool.exe)” will be installed together when installing CRI Atom Craft.
After installation, folder structure is as follows:


| +- Tools Ver.3.43
| | +- docs
| | | +- jpn
| | | +- history_criadx2tools_mac_e.txt
| | | +- release_criadx2tools_mac_e.txt
| | +- manual
| | | +- jpn
| | | +- contents (folder)
| | | +- index.html
| | +- CriAtomCraft.app
| | +- CriAtomEncoder.app
| | +- CriAtomViewer.app
| +- Tools Ver.3.xx
| +- ...
+- Authorization
+- CriAuthorizationTool.app


+- Tools
+- ADX2
| +- ver.3
| +- docs
| | +- jpn
| | +- history_criadx2tools_mac_e.txt
| | +- release_criadx2tools_mac_e.txt
| +- manual
| | +- jpn
| | +- contents (folder)
| | +- index.html
| +- CriAtomCraft.app
| +- CriAtomEncoder.app
| +- CriAtomViewer.app
+- Authorization
+- CriAuthorizationTool.app

License acquisition

Obtain a tool license using the CRI Authorization tool.
After obtaining the tool license, you can start using the CRIWARE tool(s).
Please refer to the CRI Authorization Tool Manual for details.

“CRI Authorization Tool" Manual

You can find the manual in the following path.

  • Path
    • /cri/tools/Authorization/manual/eng/contents/index.html