CRI ADX  Last Updated: 2024-07-17 10:47 p
Special Device (remote speaker, microphone)

When outputting audio from a special device, you can you decide to target the device individually from the program, or you can decide to output to multiple devices simultaneously In all cases you need to add a special setting with the parameter palette.
For details, refer to the SDK documentation of your target platform.

Regarding the handling of the microphone device, there are several conditions to follow, depending on the platform.
For details, refer to the SDK documentation of your target platform.

Some libraries perform specific sound processing: recording the voice via the microphone input, encoding in real-time, performing sound analysis, time-stretching, input level correction, and spreading the sound image.
These special decices are different both in terms of their limitations and the features the offer. Please contact us if you wish to know more about what it is possible to achieve.