CRI ADX  Last Updated: 2024-07-17 10:47 p

"Cue" is an individual sound created by sound designers using the authoring tool.
Programmers can play back desired sound simply by setting the Cue to the player handle.
Sound designers can pack the set of Cues created by authoring tools, and hand it to programmers.
By using Cues, the user can use the playback methods shown below.

  • Sharing wave data
    One wave data can be used to play back sounds at different volumes or pitches.

  • Simultaneous playback of two or more sounds
    Two or more sounds can be played back simultaneously with one Cue.

  • Sequence
    The user can also position sounds on a time line and play them back.

  • Random playback from multiple sounds
    Play back wave data at random, or change the playback parameters at random.
