CRI ADX  Last Updated: 2024-07-17 10:47 p
Types of AISAC graph curves and how to apply AISAC

AISAC graph curve types

Parameter Application method (value range) Description
Volume Multiply (0.0~2.0)
Pitch Addition (-2400~2400)
Priority Addition (-255~255)
PreDelay Time Addition (0~10000)
Playback rate Multiply (0.0~2.0)
Bandpass - Cof High Multiply (0.0~1.0)
Bandpass - Cof Low Multiply (0.0~1.0)
Biquad - Cof Addition (-1.0~1.0)
Biquad - Q Addition (-10.0~10.0)
biquad - gain multiply (0.0~10.0)
Envelope - Attack Time Overwrite (Last priority) (0~2000)
Envelope - Release time Overwrite (Last priority) (0~10000)
pan - angle add (-180~180)
Pan - Volume Multiply (0.0~1.0)
pan - inner distance add (0.0~1.0)
pan - center multiply (0.0~1.0)
Pan - LFE Multiply (0.0~1.0)
Pan - Wideness Multiply (0.0~1.0) Specifies how much to spread the angle between each input channel when panning a multi-channel (stereo, 5.1ch, etc.) waveform.
0.0 is a mono mix (all channel angles are 0 degrees)
1.0 is surround (for 5.1ch, each channel is at an angle of -120, -30, 30, 120)
Pan - Spread Multiplication (0.0~1.0) This parameter controls the sense of positioning of the sound source. Increasing the value creates a blurring effect.
If you specify the default value of 0.0, the signal will be output only from the speaker that corresponds to the position of the sound source.
If you specify 1.0, the signal will be output from all speakers regardless of position.
Bus Send 0-7 Multiply (0.0~1.0)
AISAC control 0-15 Overwrite (Last priority) (0.0~1.0)

AISAC application order

The parameters of the Track Cue categories are calculated from left to right.

For example, if the "Volume" is set as follows:

  • Track (0.8)
  • Cue (1.0)
  • Category (0.5)

In the case of "Volume Value", it is applied by "Multiplication", and the final result is 0.8 * 1.0 * 0.5 = 0.4.

Please note that while multiplication and addition are not affected by the order of application, "overwrite" is affected by the order of application.

For example, suppose the "Attack Time" is set as follows:

  • Track (1000)
  • Cue (500)
  • Category (100)

In the case of "Attack Time", "Last priority" is used, so the final result will be 100ms for the category.

AISAC multiplication application

Please note that because this is a multiplication, if 0.0 is included in the calculation, the result will also be 0.0.
Also, there is a disadvantage that applying too many steps makes it difficult to understand the final result. If the internal setting range is exceeded, it may be limited.

AISAC surcharge application

As with multiplication, there may be limits if the internally set range is exceeded.

AISAC overwrite (Last priority) applied

The last one set internally will be applied.
To prevent unintended parameters from being applied, you must create data that does not overwrite data.