CRI ADX  Last Updated: 2024-07-17 10:47 p
AISAC parameter items and field names

AISAC parameter items and field names

Item Field name Value range
Name Name String
Comment Comment String
Operation type AisacControlType "Off", "AutoModulation" or "Random"
AISAC Control AisacControl AISAC Control Object (read only)

Parameter items and field names when AISAC operation type is Off or Random

Item Field name Value range
Default control value enable flag DefaultControlValueFlag True / False
Default Control Value DefaultControlValue 0.0 - 1.0
(When random) Random range RandomRange 0.0 - 2.0

Parameter items and field names when AISAC operation type is automodulation

Item Field name Value range
Modulation Type ModulationType "Loop" or "OneShot"
Modulation change time ModulationStepTimeMS 0 - 60000 "ms"
(When OneShot) Modulation trigger type ModulationTriggerType "Playback" or "Key"
(When OneShot and Trigger is Key) Modulation trigger key ModulationTriggerKey 0 - 65535

AISAC graph parameter items and field names

Item Field name Value range
Graph type GraphType Graph type (read only)
The graph type is specified when creating the AISAC.

For graph types, see AISAC graph automation playback parameter setting action types and names .