CRI ADX  Last Updated: 2024-07-17 10:47 p
JSON output

This option outputs the information contained in the ACF or ACB files in the JSON file format.

How to output a JSON file

Check the "JSON output" option in the build dialog before generating the data.
Note that you cannot generate JSON files independently. JSON files will be output with the other files (ACF and/or ACB files, depending on the settings).

Content exported


Key name Type Description
Name String ACF file name
BuildDate String Date and time at which the ACF file was built (yyyyMMddhhmmss)
NumCategoriesPerPlayback Number Maximum number of Categories in the global settings
NumCategories Number Total number of Categories in the ACF file
NumAisacControls Number Total number of AISAC controls in the ACF file
NumGlobalAisacs Number Total number of Global AISACs in the ACF file
NumVoiceLimitGroups Number Total number of Voice Limit Groups in the ACF file
NumDspBusSettings Number Total number of Mixers in the ACF file
NumDspBusSettingSnapshots Number Total number of Snapshots in the ACF file
NumDspBus Number Total number of Buses in the ACF file
NumGameVariables Number Total number of game variables in the ACF file
NumSelectors Number Total number of Selectors in the ACF file
NumReacts Number Total number of REACTs in the ACF file
Selector Array An array containing the information marked by a * below for each selector.
* Comment String Selector comment
* Name String Name of Selector
* Labels Array An array containing the information marked by a ** below for each selector label.
** Comment String Selector label comments
** Name String Selector label name
AisacControl Array An array containing the information marked by a * below for each AISAC.
* Comment String AISAC control comments
* Id Number AISAC control ID
* Name String AISAC control name
GameVariable Array An array containing the information marked by a * below for each game variable.
* Comment String Game variable comments
* Value Number Initial value of game variable
* Name String Game variable
GlobalAisac Array An array containing the information marked by a * below for each Global AISAC.
* Comment String Global AISAC comments
* AisacControl String AISAC control name to control this AISAC
* Name String Global AISAC name
Category Array An array containing the information marked by a * below for each Category.
* Comment String Category comments
* Group String Name of the group the Category belongs to
* Id Number Category ID
* Volume Number Volume of the category
* Name String Category name
DspBusSettings Array An array containing the information marked by a * below for each Mixer.
* Comment String Mixers comments
* Name String Mixers name
* Bus Array An array containing the information marked by a ** below for each bus.
** Comment String Bus comments
** Name String Bus name
* Snapshot Array An array containing the information marked by a ** below for each snapshot.
** Comment String Snapshot comments
** Name String Snapshot name
React Array An array containing the information marked by a * below for each REACT.
* Comment String REACT comments
* Name String REACT name


Key name Type Description
Name String ACB name
BuildDate String Date and time at which the ACB file was built (yyyyMMddhhmmss)
Comment String Comments included in the generated Cue Sheet
WorkUnit String Name of the Work Unit to which the Cue Sheet belongs
Volume Number Volume of the Cue Sheet
EnableCueLimit Boolean Flag whether Cue limit is enabled
NumCueLimits Number Number of Cue limits in the Cue Sheet
PriorityType String String corresponding to the type of the Cue playback priority in the Cue Sheet ('Last': Last Priority, 'First': First Priority)
PriorityTypeIndex Number Value corresponding to the type of the Cue playback priority in the Cue Sheet (0: Last Priority, 1: First Priority)
Cue Array Array of parameters added for each Cue.
Name String Cue name
Comment String Cue comments
CueId Number Cue ID
CueTypeIndex Number Cue type ID
Polyphonic: 0
Sequential: 1
Shuffle: 2
Random: 3
Random No Repeat: 4
Switch (by Game Variable): 5
Combo Sequential: 6
Switch (by Selector): 7
Track Transition by Selector: 8
CueType String Cue type name
Polyphonic: Polyphonic
Sequential: Sequential
Shuffle: Shuffle
Random: Random
Random No Repeat: RandomNoRepeat
Switch (by Game Variable): GameVariable
Combo Sequential: ComboSequential
Switch (by Selector): SwitchSelector
Track Transition by Selector: MusicTransition
Volume Number Volume set in the Cue
Public Boolean Flag determining whether to show the Cue or hide it
true: Open
false: Close (in the Private Cue Folder)
CategoryCuePriority Number Cue playback priority level in the Category
CategoryCuePriorityType String Cue playback priority type in the Category ('Last': Last Priority, 'First': First Priority)
CategoryCuePriorityTypeIndex Number Cue playback priority type in the Category (0: Last Priority, 1: First Priority)
CuePriorityType String Cue playback priority type ('Last': Last Priority, 'First': First Priority)
CuePriorityTypeIndex Number Cue playback priority type (0: Last Priority, 1: First Priority)
EnableCueLimit Boolean Flag determining whether to use the Cue limit in the Cue Sheet or not
NumCueLimits Number Value of the Cue limit
Probability Number Playback Probability of the Cue
Length Number Cue duration expressed in msec (-1 for an infinite loop).
Category Array An array containing the information marked by a * below for each Category assigned to a Cue.
* Name String Category name
Track Array An array containing the information marked by a * below for each Track.
* Comment String Track comments
* Volume Number Volume set in the Track
* Name String Track name
Selector Array An array containing the information marked by a ** below for each Selector set in the Track.
** Name String Selector name
** Label String Selector label name
BusSend Array An array containing the information marked by a * below for each Bus Send in the Cue.
* Name String Bus send name
* Enable Boolean Flag determining whether the Bus Send is enabled or not
* Level Number Bus send value
Blocks Array An array containing the information marked by a * below for each Block in the Cue.
* Name String Block name
* StartPosition Number Block start position (msec)
* Length Number Block length (msec)
AttachedSelector Array An array containing the information marked by a * below for each Selector set in the Track.
* Name String Selector name
AttachedAisacControl Array An array containing the information marked by a * below for each AISAC control set in the Cue.
* Name String AISAC control name
* Id Number Control ID of AISAC control