CRI ADX  Last Updated: 2024-07-17 10:47 p
Create a beatsync

To create a beat sync, follow these steps:

  1. Create and select a Cue.
  2. Right-click on the timeline and select [Create Beat Sync Track].
    Alternatively, select Create Beat Synced Track from the right-click menu of the Cue in the Project Tree.

Once processing is complete, a Beat Sync track will be added to the Timeline and Project Tree, and the beat sync will be added to the Beat Sync track.

Multiple Beat-Synced Tracks

You can have multiple beat-synced tracks in a Cue.
Use this when you want to set multiple synchronization timings for the same song at the same time, such as by measure or beat.

If you create and use multiple beat sync tracks, you will need to define which beat sync track your actions will use to sync.
This is set using the Beat Sync label.

To assign a Beat Sync label to a beat sync track:

  1. Select (or create) a Beat Sync label in the Beat Sync track list pull-down menu

In this case, you will also need to set a beat sync label on the action you want to synchronize.
Set a beat sync label on the action track.

Multiple Beat Sync

You can have multiple beat syncs on a beat sync track.

By setting a new beat sync for a beat sync track, you can change the sync timing during playback.
Use this when you want to switch beat synchronization depending on the position, such as when the tempo changes during a song or when you want to set a section where you want to suppress beat synchronization.

To add beat sync, follow the steps below:

  1. Select the track you want to beat sync.
  2. Select Create Beat Sync from the beat sync track timeline right-click menu.