CRI ADX  Last Updated: 2024-07-17 10:47 p
Build Post Process

What is a build post-process?

Checking the [Post-process Settings] checkbox in the build dialog will allow you to execute a specified process after the build is complete.

For example, you can "call a batch process to perform any processing after the build."

Checking this will expand the [Build Settings] dialog, so you can set the command and arguments you want to execute here.

Post-Process settings

Item Description
Output File Path The path specified here replaces the %OUTPUT% variable.
Execute Path Specifies the executable file path.
Option Specifies the arguments to be passed to the executable file.
The following variables can be included.
%ACBPATH%:Destination folder for the ACB file specified in the [Output Path]
%OUTPUT%:A string specified in [Output File Path].
Show Commands Check the commands that will be executed as post-processes