CRI ADX  Last Updated: 2024-07-17 10:47 p
Creating a Bus

You can create buses with any name you want. To create a bus, right-click the Mixers window and select [Add Bus] from the context menu.

In order for the audio output from a newly added bus to be heard, it is necessary to send it to MasterOut.
Please refer to Adding Sends for send.

The maximum number of buses is 64 per Mixer.
For each bus, you can apply effects such as a reverb or a compressor, or create side chains to other buses.

Since hardware-specific mixing is performed on some platforms, the maximum number of buses, the maximum number of effects on each of them, and the types of the available effects all depend on the specification of the platform.
Therefore, the list of available effects is updated after selecting the "Build Target" in the upper-right corner of CRI Atom Craft.