CRI ADX  Last Updated: 2024-07-17 10:47 p

Basic function

This effect creates a delayed version of the original signal.


  • Input: 1 - 8ch
  • Output: Same as Input channel All input channels will be effected.


  • Processing load is low
  • Memory usage depends on maximum delay time.
  • By inserting it before other effects and delaying the original sound slightly, it is possible to create effects such as a chorus or a flanger.
  • Combined with reverb, it is possible to express the initial reflections of a reverberation.

The parameters for the delay are detailed below.

Parameters for the Delay

Item Description Initial Value Lower Limit Upper Limit
Delay Time Delay time (msec). 50.00 msec 0.00 msec 1000.00 msec
Max Delay Time Maximum delay time (msec). *1 1000.00 msec 1.00 msec 1000.00 msec
*1 Initial value when generated by the runtime. It affects the size of the buffer needed.