CRI ADX  Last Updated: 2024-07-17 10:47 p

Basic function

A limiter limits the dynamic range of a signal by preventing the amplitude to go over a threshold.


  • Input: 1-8ch
  • Output: Outputs the input channels as they are
    Add effects to all the input channels.


  • Used to prevent the sound from cracking when there were a lot of sounds.
  • By using the "amplitude analyzer", you can apply an effect based on the level of a signal on another Bus.

Limiter settings (Plugin GUI)

Item Description Initial value Min Max
Limiter type (TYPE) Method used to calculate the level of the input signal. Choose from Peak or RMS. Peak    
Threshold dB (THRESHOLD) Brings the input level back to the threshold value (expressed in dB), if it is over. -6.0 dB -96.00 dB 0.00 dB
Attack time (ATTACK) The amount of time it takes for the limiter to reach its maximum effect. 10.00 msec 0.00 msec 200.00 msec
Release time (RELEASE) The amount of time it takes for the limiter to stop affecting the input signal. 48.00 msec 0.00 msec 50000.00 msec
Gain (GAIN) Determines the output level after limiting. 0.00 dB -96.00 dB 48.00 dB
Surround Link (SURROUND LINK) Adjusts the impact of the limiter between surround channels.
Set to 100 to reduce the differences between the channels.
Set to 0 to make each channel works independently.
100 % 0 % 100 %

Limiter settings (CRI Atom Craft Inspector)

Item Description Initial value Min Max
Side Chain Input Bus The limiting is applied based on the signal level of the "amplitude analyzer" set on another Bus.
When it is set to "None", it depends on the signal level of the previous effect result.