CRI ADX  Last Updated: 2024-07-17 10:47 p
List Edit

Basic Operations

The List Editor allows you to edit objects in bulk. To bulk edit, follow the steps below:

  • Select the item you want to edit. The selected item will be highlighted.
  • Click the item you want to edit with the mouse or press the Enter key on the keyboard to start editing.
  • After editing with the keyboard, press the Enter key or click outside the editing frame with the mouse to confirm the edit.
  • To cancel editing, press Esc.
See also
Bulk Edit


  1. Click the "Object Display Button" to display the selected object and its child objects.
    2.You can display the results of searching for a specific string from the displayed content. Here, "Heli" is entered.
  2. Click the button in the "Volume" group from the "Column Display Buttons".
  3. You can edit multiple objects in the list at the same time.

In this image, we are displaying "Cue" and "waveforms" with names that contain the string "Heli".

Multiple editing of numbers in a list

If you select multiple items and edit the selection frame, you can edit multiple items at the same time.
(Object names and Cue IDs can only be edited individually.)

Filtering display objects in a list

You can filter the objects (rows) displayed in the list by object type and name.

See also
Hierarchical Display of List and Display Filter

Filtering visible columns in lists

You can filter the columns that are displayed in the list.
For example, if you want to edit a volume, select the volume's icon.

Column display button

The column display buttons display items related to the object being displayed in the list.
The contents displayed by each button are as follows.

Button Icon Name Display Column Item
Comments Comments
In-game preview Preview data update while in-game
Size allocation method for additional updates
Value used for automatic adjustment
File size when manually set
Build [When selected and displayed in the project tree]
Reference folder name
Output folder name
Enable mono mix
Alternate language
Ignore suffix
Output file prefix
Output file suffix
Default mixer settings
Haptics information
Last ACF build date and time
[When selected and displayed in the work unit tree]
Do not include in build
Encoded file size
ACB Cue name information
Embed external Cue links
Last output Cue sheet size
ACB output directory
AWB output path
AWB stream output directory
ID [When selected and displayed in the project tree]
AISAC control ID
Category ID
Variable ID
[When selected and displayed in the work unit tree]
Start Cue ID
Cue ID
Cue [When selected and displayed in the Project Tree]
No overlapping time
[When selected and displayed in the Work Unit Tree]
Sequence type
Playback mode
Ignore AtomExPlayer
User data
Voice behavior
Playback rate
No overlapping time
Track Output Port
Applicable Language
Track Mono Flag
Waveform Region Disable waveform loop
Stop at loop end
Volume [When selected and displayed in the Project Tree]
[When selected and displayed in the Work Unit Tree]
Volume random range
EG attack
EG hold
EG decay
EG sustain
EG release
EG attack curve type
EG attack curve strength
EG decay curve type
EG decay curve strength
EG release curve type
EG release curve strength
Pitch Pitch
Pitch Random Width
Bread type Bread type
Pan Pan angle
Pan angle random width
Pan inner distance
Pan inner distance random width
3D positioning 3D positioning inner angle
3D positioning outer angle
3D positioning minimum distance
3D positioning maximum distance
3D positioning Doppler coefficient
Distance AISAC control
Listener reference azimuth angle AISAC control
Sound source reference azimuth angle AISAC control
Listener reference angle of elevation AISAC control
Pan fixed
Sound source reference angle of elevation AISAC Controls
Random source shape
[Rectangle] Random width left and right
[Rectangle] Random width front and back
[Cuboid] Random width left and right
[Cuboid] Random width front and back
[Cuboid] Random width top and bottom
[Circle] Random radius
[Cylinder] Random radius
[Cylinder] Random width top and bottom
[Sphere] Random radius
Root 3D Sound source position tracking
Filter Track filter settings reference flags
Biquad filter type
Biquad Cof
Biquad Cof Frequency
Biquad Cof Random Width
Biquad Q
Biquad Gain
Cof High
Cof Low
AISAC Control type
Time [ms]
Trigger type
Trigger key
Default control value enabled
Default control value
Random width
Priority [When selected and displayed in the project tree]
Voice limit number
Category Cue limit flag
Category Cue limit number
Cue priority close distance priority
[When selected and displayed in the work unit tree]
Cue limit flag
Cue limit number
Cue priority type
Voice priority
Voice priority type
Voice limit group
Category Cue priority level
Category Cue priority type
Bus Send [When selected and displayed in the Project Tree]
Bus name 1
Bus name 2
Bus name 3
Bus name 4
Bus name 5
Bus name 6
Bus name 7
Bus name 8
[When selected and displayed in the Work Unit Tree]
Bus Map
Bus send destination bus name 1
Bus send 1
Bus send destination bus name 2
Bus send 2
Bus send destination bus name 3
Bus send 3
Bus send destination bus name 4
Bus send 4
Bus send destination bus name 5
Bus send 5
Bus send destination bus name 6
Bus send 6
Bus send destination bus name 7
Bus send 7
Bus send destination bus name 8
Bus send 8
Bus name 1
Bus name 2
Bus name 3
Bus name 4
Bus name 5
Bus name 6
Bus name 7
Bus name 8
Mix Pan Volume
3D Positioning Volume
Block Block transition sound type
Block end milliseconds
Block transition destination
Block loop count
Block division count
Block transition timing
Block transition mode
Block transition behavior
Marker Marker start time
Marker end time
Loop count
Infinite loop flag
Action Action type
Start block
Global label
Scope type
Target object type
Target object
Cue sheet name
Cue ID
Selector label [When selected and displayed in the project tree]
Global label
[When selected and displayed in the work unit tree]
Switch width
Default selector label
Selector label
Track Transition Transition Type
Transition Fade Curve Type
Transition Fade In Time
Transition Fade Out Time
Transition Fade In Offset Time
Transition Fade Out Offset Time
Track BPM
Beat Sync BPM
Timing control Start time
Playback timing random
Auto repeat interval
Auto repeat count
Pre-delay time
Pre-delay time random width
Special playback Random number weight
Switch variable
Combo interval
Combo return
Playback probability
Material [When selected and displayed in the Work Unit Tree]
Language waveform
Reference material path
Encoding job
[When selected and displayed in the Material Tree]
Material absolute file path
Material relative file path
Material file size
Number of channels
Sampling rate
Sample bit rate
Number of samples
Time (seconds)
Material waveform loop type
Material loop start position
Material loop end position
Local file update time
Duration Sequence duration
External Cue Reference Cue name
Reference Cue ID
Reference Cue sheet
Length (for display)
Fade Fade time
Information [When selected and displayed in the project tree]
Path on the tool
[When selected and displayed in the work unit tree]
Work unit absolute path
Individual material enable flag
Absolute path of material root folder
Path on the tool
[When selected and displayed in the material tree]
Absolute path of material information file
Material relative path
Absolute path of material root folder
Material root folder
Path on the tool
REACT Change category
Trigger category
REACT type
Change time
Change curve type
Change curve strength
Hold type
Hold time
Return time
Return curve type
Return curve strength
Change parameter
Change level value
Change AISAC modulation key enable flag
Change AISAC modulation key
Return AISAC modulation key enable flag
Return AISAC modulation key
Include Cue during pause
Encode Streaming type
Encoding type
Encoding quality
Encoding input channel
Prefetch time (msec)
HCA Cutoff frequency
Resampling rate
Loop interpretation
Overwrite loop information
Loop type
Loop start position
Loop end position
Loop length
Volume during encoding
Waveform after loop end position
Encoding result file path
Lip sync JSON file name
File size of encoding result
Additional content settings Stream AWB root folder