CRI ADX  Last Updated: 2024-07-17 10:47 p
VST Plugin Manager Window

The VST Plug-in Manager window is a window for managing custom effect plug-ins.

Plugin List

The list at the top displays the following items for each plugin file:

Item Description
Enable You can switch whether to load the plugin at startup.
If it is checked, it will be loaded, if it is not checked, it will not be loaded.
Name Displays the name of the plugin.
Vendor Displays the name of the company that made the plugin. If the plugin has never been loaded, it will not be displayed.
Version Shows the specific version of the plugin. If the plugin has never been loaded, it will not be displayed.
Category Displays the category of the effect registered in the plug-in.
If the plug-in has never been loaded or the plug-in itself does not have a category registered, it will not be displayed.
File Path Displays the full path of the plugin file.
Last Load Result Shows the result of the last time the plugin was loaded. If it failed, a message with hints will be displayed.

Plugin search path

The list at the bottom shows the folder paths that will be searched for effect plug-ins.
You can add a path by clicking the "+" button on the right side of the window.
To delete a path, select the item you want to delete from the list and then click "x".

Important point

Effect enablement and search path changes will take effect the next time you start the program.