CRI ADX  Last Updated: 2024-07-17 10:47 p
Registering the Material Files for Multi-Language Settings

Management Folder for Localization

If a material folder contains a subfolder with the name specified by the [Replace Folder Name] parameter in the language settings, the whole folder structure (including the parent folder) is taken into account for localization.

although it is not recommended, the parent folder itself can be used for the localized language (by leaving the [Replace Folder Name] parameter empty). This is allowed mostly for compatibility with older versions.
If a folder exists whose name is the same as the one specified in [Replace Folder Name] immediately under the material root folder, all files are recognized as being localized. It is usually recommended to create the folder one layer lower.

Creating a Management Folder for Localization

Right-click the material root folder and select the [Create Management Folder for localized voices] command. It also creates the language sub folders automatically, based on the language settings.

Drop the material files for each language onto the corresponding subfolder to register as materials.

Once the files are registered correctly as materials, when you select a language from the [Language Settings] on the toolbar and play back the Waveforms, the files from the selected language are automatically played back.