CRI ADX  Last Updated: 2024-07-17 10:47 p
3D Location Viewer

The 3D location viewer displays the 3D position of a voice (if it is using 3D positioning.)
To do so, it uses the location of the 3D source assigned to the voice. The 3D location viewer is initially hidden.

The 3D location viewer consists of a spatial viewer showing the voice position in three-dimensional space and a simple sequence viewer aimed at displaying the number of voices.

About the space viewer

The space viewer consists of two types of views: from an angle and directly from above.
You can not change the viewing angle of the space viewer.
The scale of the space viewer can be changed by using the + and - buttons.

Listener settings

The display in the space viewer is based either on the origin of the space coordinates or on the position of the specified listener.
Yo ucan select the listener from the pull-down at the top.

If you do not specify a listener, the origin point (0, 0, 0) will be used.

Spatial viewer settings

When you press the settings button in the upper-left, the settings window of the 3D location viewer is displayed.

List of the settings

Item Description
Coordinate system Specify the coordinate system to use for the display.