CRI ADX  Last Updated: 2024-07-17 10:47 p
Random AISAC

A Random AISAC is a function that generates a random value for the AISAC control value.

Use Case of a Random AISAC

A Random AISAC can be used when you need a random behavior that is a bit more controlled than just selecting a random pitch or a random volume for a whole sound.

For example:

  • If you want to add a scale to the pitch and randomize the specified pitch
  • If you want to randomize sound parameters (release, bus send etc.) other than the pitch or the volume

Random sound with multiple parameters synchronized

For example, a random sound with synchronized pitch and pan control can be achieved (ex. played back on the left channel if the pitch is low, and on the right channel if the pitch is high)
Note that although the control values are set randomly at the time of playback, the various curves in the AISAC are still synchronized.

Sound in which multiple parameters randomly change with each other

In the above example, the combination of pitch and pan values is always the same, but by assigning random AISAC to both pitch and pan, we can obtain different values.

Changes in behavior depending on the target of the AISAC

When the AISAC is assigned to a Cue

A random value is determined when playing the Cue. The same value is assigned to all the Tracks of that Cue.

When the AISAC is assigned to a Track

A random value is determined when playing the Cue. Separate values are assigned to the Tracks.

The random values will be different when adding the AISAC to the Cue against individually assigning it to the Track.

When the AISAC is assigned to a subsequence or a Cue link

For example, if you want to randomize the Waveform Regions within a Track, assign the AISAC after replacing the Waveform Region with a Sub Sequence or a Cue Link.

Random bias adjustment

Triggering sounds with different probabilities is also possible. Various probability distributions can be simulated by drawing an AISAC curve formed of "bands" of different widths.

Configuring a Random AISAC

The AISAC control type must be set to "Random."

The following table shows the parameters of a Random AISAC.

Parameters for a Random AISAC

Item Description
Random Range This is the possible range for the value that will be returned based on the AISAC control value.
By default, the Random Range is set to 2.

The following picture shows the parameters for a Random AISAC as displayed in the tool.