CRI ADX  Last Updated: 2024-07-17 10:47 p
Target config preview setting

Each target config is associated with a preview setting. A preview setting is a collection of communication settings required for previewing.
You can set the preview settings for a target config when you add the target config, or from the right-click menu for the target config, "Edit Preview Settings."

Change the preset associated with the target configuration

Right-click on the target config and select "Edit Preview Settings" to open the "Edit Preview Settings for Target Config" dialog.

Edit preview settings

Pressing the "Edit" button in the "Edit Target Config Preview Settings" dialog will open the "Preview Settings" dialog.

Preview settings are saved as presets and can be added, removed or renamed as needed.

To add, delete or rename a preset, first click on the buttons below.

To add a preset, click "Add Preset" and create it by specifying the preset name.
To delete a preset, select the preset you want to delete from the "Preset" pull-down menu and select "Delete Preset".
To rename a preset, select the preset you want to rename from the "Preset" pull-down menu and select "Rename".

Depending on the model, specific settings may be required. This section describes the preview settings for PC.
For configuration on other platforms, please refer to the model-specific manuals.

IP address

Enter the IP address of the destination. Press Enter after entering the value to confirm. This edit cannot be undone/redoed.

Preview using the internal previewer

For PC and Public targets, it is possible to preview with the runtime library built into CRI Atom Craft.
Checking this is required if you are previewing using Custom Effect Plugin .

This check setting is only applied during preview. If you connect in-game, this check will be ignored and the entered IP address will be used.