CRI ADX  Last Updated: 2024-07-17 10:47 p
User settings (for each author)

The user settings manage the project settings which are specific to the user operating the tool.
The user settings are shown just under the project in the project tree.

Selecting "User Settings" on the project tree displays the settings in the Inspector.

User Settings


Name Value Range Description
Name Displays the name of the user settings (not editable).


Name Value Range Description
Comment You can enter any comment here.


Name Value Range Description
Current Language Settings Name of the language setting applied when performing a preview.
BusMap for new WorkUnit For information on "Bus map based on a new Work Unit", see Bus Map.
Build for UnityFlag True/False A flag indicating if the Unity information files should be generated when building the ACF file.
CueSheet Hierarchy Output Flag True/False A flag indicating if the CueSheet folder hierarchy should be written. If set to False, the V1-compatible mode is activated and all the CueSheets are saved in the destination folder.
C# Header Output Flag True/False A flag indicating if the C# file is generated.
Make InGame ACB Flag True/False A flag indicating if the ACB file is built for in-game preview.
Single Cue Build Preview Flag True/False A flag indicating whether only the selected Cues must be built when performing a preview. If set to False, the other Cues in the CueSheet are also built.
Single Player Preview Flag True/False A flag indicating if a single Player should be used for preview. This is used when you want to play different Cues with a single Player.
Previewing selected cue None, Playback(Simple), Playback(Switched) Specifies the preview behavior when a Cue is selected. For a looping sound, select [Playback(Switched)].
Autotomatic Re-Preview Flag True/False Automatic re-preview is performed when a sequence item is dragged during playback.
If it is False, it will stop when dragging an item.
Build Root Folder The path of the folder in which the ACF and ACB files are generated, relative to the project path. (not editable)
Build Root Folder Absolute Path The absolute path to the folder in which the ACF and ACB files are generated (not editable).


Name Value Range Description
Current Preview Dsp Setting Name of the DSP path settings applied when performing a preview (not editable on the list, change with the pull-down menu on the right of the toolbar).
Current WorkUnit Name of the Work Unit whose materials are shown in the material tree.
Opened WorkUnit The name of the Work Unit open for editing.
UserSettingsFilePath Path of the user settings file (not editable).
Path Shows the path of the object in the tool (not editable).

The user settings are saved in a file with the extension.user_settings, in the same folder than the project file.
The user settings are saved at the same time than the project is saved.