CRI ADX  Last Updated: 2024-07-17 10:47 p
Playback Cancellation Due to Priority Settings
High priority playback may be cancelled if a new playback is started through Playback Control .
In the following five cases, playback is cancelled by the voice count processing.
Please refer to this section for solutions.
Solutions to Issues with Playback Control

Playback Cancellation Due to Voice Limiting (Lost by Priority)

Playback Cancellation Due to Voice Limiting (Same Priority or First Priority (Priority to Oldest Voice))

  • A voice limit group has been set for the playback data.
  • The maximum number of voices that can be simultaneously playing within the group has reached.
  • The newest voice has the same priority than the lowest priority voice already playing.
  • The new voice's priority type is set to "oldest voice", i.e. the first voice started has the priority.

    -> Using Voice Limits to Monitor Sound Playback Control Processing

Playback Cancellation Due to Cue Limit and Oldest Voice Priority

  • A Cue limit has been assigned to the Cue being played back.
  • The maximum number of simultaneously playing Cue instances allowed has been reached.
  • The Cue priority type is set to "oldest Cue", i.e., the first Cue started has the priority.

    -> Monitoring Sound Playback Control Processing by Cue

Playback Cancellation Due to Category Limiting (Lost by Priority)

  • A Category has been assigned to Cue being played back.
  • A Cue limit has been assigned to the Category.
  • The number of simultaneously playing Cues of that Category has been reached.
  • Among the Cues of that Category, the new Cue has the lowest priority.

    -> Monitoring Sound Playback Control Processing by Cue

Playback Cancellation Due to Category Cue Limiting (Same Priority and Priority to Oldest Cue)

  • A Category has been assigned to the new Cue.
  • A Cue limit has been assigned to the Category.
  • The number of simultaneously playing Cues of that Category has been reached.
  • The new Cue has the same priority than the Cue with the lowest priority in that Category.
  • The Cue priority type is set to "oldest Cue", i.e., the first Cue started has the priority.

    -> Monitoring Sound Playback Control Processing by Cue