CRI ADX  Last Updated: 2024-07-17 10:48 p

Structure of this SDK

This SDK has the following structure.
Let's get started with the "SDK index" located in the documentation folder.
(File name:index_criadx2_pc_e.html)
From the SDK index, all the documents included in the SDK can be accessed.

Structure of SDK

  o * SDK

  | o * documentation

  | |  

  | \ * pc

  |   o * include

  |   o * libs

  |   o * samples

  |   \ * source


  \ * Tools

    o * ADX

    o * crifilesystem

    \ * version_checker




[Manuals/ Release notes / Revision histories] (*1)


[Platform Specific Folder]

: Header files

: Library files (*2)

: Sample programs

: Common sample source files


[Data creation tools]

: CRI Atom tools

: CRI File System tools

: Version information viewer Wizz (*3)



  (*1) This folder has the following documents:
Release notes: summarizes this release.
Revision history: describes detailed changes to libraries and tools.
  (*2) SDK includes both debug library and release library.
In the debug version library, error check process is enhanced.
(Debug library name is followed by a character 'D' respectively.)
  (*3) The Wizz can output the version information of libraries, which are needed when making technical inquries to our support desk.