CRIWARE Unity Plugin Manual  Last Updated: 2024-07-12
CRI Addressables: Target Group
If "Addressables" is specified as the DeployType in the CRI Asset, the target group can be selected.
By default, "Remote" or "Local" can be selected, however it is also possible to add a user-defined group.

Reasons to Add a Target Group

Please add a target group in the following cases:

When you need a target destination other than Remote or Local:

Add a new target group as the target destination when dealing with resources that are not built-in and not regular downloads, such as platform-specific additional packages.

Avoiding Conflicts when Editing AddressableGroups:

A "CriData_~~"" group is generated for each target group.
This may lead to editing conflicts when assets with the same target group are added in different branches.

These conflicts can be avoided by having groups based on the designers/teams that add the data.

How to Add a Target Group

Go to [Assets] -> [Create] -> [CRIWARE] -> Add a group definition as Asset from [Cri Addressable Group].
Then select "Group" for the CRI asset in the Inspector.

Please specify the BuildPath and LoadPath corresponding to the group in the Cri Addressable Group asset.
A target group added this way cannot be edited in the ProjectSettings window.
Please edit it in the Inspector for each asset.