CRIWARE Unity Plugin Manual  Last Updated: 2024-07-12
Overview of CRI Addressables
Addressables is a package used for managing resources in Unity.

CRI Addressables allow you to distribute the CRI Assets as additional content using Addressables.

[0.7.00 or later] Addition of operation modes on Editor

CRI Addressables 0.7.x has added the ability to select the operating mode on the Editor from the following.
  • Use Anchor Assets: Generate anchor asset and CriData groups as before
  • Use Cri Build Script : New operating mode
The conventional behavior (Use Anchor Assets) makes managing anchor asset and CriData groups complicated, and
There were several concerns, such as the processing performed when importing asset was greatly affected by the Unity version.

To avoid this, we have added the Use Cri Build Script mode as a new feature.
Even if you are already using CRI Addressables, we recommend migrating as much as possible.

Flow for deploying/loading CRI Addressables


CRI Addressables are used conjointly with the assets to allow for additional content to be streamed from disk.

Deploying with the Unity Editor

  1. Build a dependency relationship between the imported CRI asset and the non-asset data that is the data entity
  2. Place Non-Asset CRI data in BuildPath with Addressables bundle build

Loading behavior in the application

  1. When requesting a CRI Asset via the Addressables, the dependent data is requested.
  2. The custom "ResourceProvider" downloads the Non-Asset CRI data from the "LoadPath" into the cache.
  3. The CRI Asset will then use the path to the cache to reference the data.