CRIWARE Unity Plugin Manual  Last Updated: 2024-07-12
Notes for the migration of regular assets
There are significant differences between using ADX assets and CRI Assets.

Location of the data

When using CRI Assets, please place the data (such as .acf or .acb files) in a different folder than "StreamingAssets".

The "StreamingAssets" folder is indeed a special folder that cannot be imported by Unity.
On the contrary, when using regular ADX assets, since the CRIWARE files need to be included in the application, they should be located in the "StreamingAssets" folder.
However, when using the Asset Support Add-on, since the CRIWARE files are changed to assets, they need to be located in the import directory.

Migration of each component

When using CRI Assets, some components will no longer be needed.
Components with equivalent functionalities will be added to the CRI Assets to replace the deprecated components.
Deprecated component Newly added component
CriAtom CriAtomAssets
CriAtomSource CriAtomSourceForAsset
The use of these new components is not mandatory.
Conventional Cue playback requires to place CriAtom components in the scene, while CriAtomAssets is an auxiliary feature that only loads the ACF/ACB files.
For details, refer to Loading the data .