CRIWARE Unity Plugin Manual  Last Updated: 2024-07-12
Multi-platform Assets
The Asset Support Add-on provides a "Multi-Platform Asset" feature for loading platform-specific data.

Overview of Multi-platform Assets

With CRIWARE, if your data differs for each platform (i.e., different parameters are set), you need to output a binary per platform.
  • using platform-specific codecs
  • ensuring the data matches the hardware specifications
Instead of using platform-specific CRI Assets, you can reference a Multi-platform Asset to handle the platform-specific data.
Multi-platform assets have references to the platform-specific CRI Assets used by the runtime library. This reference will switch to the platform-specific asset when a multi-platform asset is created or the current platform is changed in Unity Editor.
At runtime, you can only access the data corresponding to the current platform. The required platform-specific CRI assets are automatically included in the build as references of the multi-platform assets.

Multi-platform and multilingual ACB Asset
ACB Assets with platform-specific and multilingual data can be created as "Multilingual ACB Asset".

Creating Multi-platform Assets

You can create a multi-platform asset from the [Assets]->[Create]->[CRIWARE] menu.
Create a multi-platform asset corresponding to the target asset type.
  • MultiPlatform ACB
  • MultiPlatform ACF
  • MultiPlatform USM
The settings for the Multi-platform Assets are shown below:
Default Asset Default CRI Asset. The CRI Asset used when none is specified in Override Assets for a specific platform.
Override Asset A list of the platform-specific CRI Assets and the assets that are actually used.
Prepare as many items as there are platforms supported in Override Assets, and specify the asset and the actual data to use for each platform.
For assets shared by multiple platforms, please use the "Default Asset" property.

About platform-specific AWB Assets
Multi-platform Assets do not directly support AWB Assets.
Since AWB assets are referenced by the ACB assets on each platform, if you link the platform-specific ACB assets with their corresponding AWB assets, the appropriate AWB data will be loaded based on the ACB platform-specific data.
For details, refer to [ACB Asset] AWB Linking .

Using the Multi-platform Assets

Use the Multi-platform Asset that was created instead of the platform-specific CRI Asset that was imported.
Multi-platform Assets will become CRI Virtual Assets and can be used in the same way as the CRI Assets.

All the APIs defined for each type of asset can still be used in the same way.
For details, check the reference manual of each Asset.