CRIWARE Unity Plugin Manual  Last Updated: 2024-07-12
Cri Atom Listener
The Cri Atom Listener is a component that acts as a reference point for listening to audio when using the 3D positioning function.
To use the 3D positioning sound effect, it is required to place a Cri Atom Listener component in the scene. You do not need this component if the 3D positioning function is not used.
Activate/Deactivate the listener
Listeners placed in the scene have active/inactive states. Active listeners receive 3D positioning sound from the Cri Atom Source.
The active/inactive state of the listener can be switched in a C# script.
  • CriAtomListener.isActive
The active/inactive state can be automatically switched by enabling/disabling the GameObject or the component.

When there is no active listener, the behavior will be as follows:
Behavior when there is no active listener
No Cri Atom Listener exists Inactive Cri Atom Listener only
A dummy listener will be placed at the origin point (0, 0, 0) internally Any sound using 3D positioning will not be audible
Support for multiple listeners
Multiple Cri Atom Listeners can be placed in the scene.
This enables sound expression from multiple viewpoints, and you can switch the appropriate listener between active and inactive state depending on the situation.
Listener auto-matching function
If there are multiple active listeners in the scene, the 3D positioning audio will be assigned to the active listener closest to each sound source.

Also, by setting a listener for Cri Atom Source, it is possible to create a sound source that always uses a specific listener without using the auto-matching function.
Parameters of Cri Atom Listener
  • [Region On Start]
Sets the initial region of the listener.
You can specify a Cri Atom Region component that represents the 3D region.
For details, refer to Spatial acoustic connection function "3D Transceiver" .
  • [Activate Listener On Enable] Checkbox
If this checkbox is enabled, the component will be set as the active listener when being enabled.
At this time, the other listeners will be inactive.
Remarks: Data for 3D positioning
To use 3D positioning, you need to create compatible data in Cri Atom Craft.
Please make the following settings in the [FX/AISAC] pane -> [FX1] tab -> [3D Positioning] tab in CRI Atom Craft.
  • Select "3D Positioning" for "Pan Type" of a waveform
  • Set minimum and maximum "attenuation distance" for the Cue (Minimum: about 1 to 10; maximum: about 10 to 300)

For details, refer to the "CRI ADX Tools Manual".