CRIWARE Unity Plugin Manual  Last Updated: 2024-07-12
3D positioning
"3D positioning" is supported to control the position of a sound.

  • The send level for each speaker is determined based on the information about the listener and the sound source.
  • The Doppler effect can be achieved based on the speeds of the listener and the sound source.
  • A player handle can be treated as a sound source.
    The send level and the pitch are calculated and set automatically by specifying information such as the position and speed of the listener.
  • For multiple point of views, multiple listeners are also supported.


Listener information
  1. Position (x, y, z)
    Position of the listener.
  2. Speed (x, y, z)
    Speed of the listener.
  3. Forward direction vector (x, y, z)
    Forward direction of the listener.
  4. Upward direction vector (x, y, z)
    Upward direction of the listener.
Sound source information
  1. Position (x, y, z)
    Position of the sound source.
  2. Speed (x, y, z)
    Speed of the sound source.
  3. Orientation of the cone (x, y, z)
    Direction of the sound coming from the sound source.
  4. Cone information (inside angle, outside angle, outside volume)
    Represents the spread and diffraction of the sound.
  5. Maximum and minimum distances
    Specifies the range of distance affected by distance attenuation.
    Any area located inside the minimum distance or outside the maximum distance is not affected by distance attenuation.
    In the area located inside the minimum distance, interior panning will gradually move the sound to the speaker on the opposite side without changing its volume.
  6. Doppler gain
    The scale factor for the Doppler effect. It is used to emphasize the effect that is physically correct.
  7. Custom distance attenuation AISAC
    By applying a distance attenuation AISAC, it is possible to design and use a distance attenuation curve specifically for a sound.
  8. Expansion factor (* not supported in the current version)
    It is a factor that expands monophonic sounds towards stereo.

