CRIWARE Unity Plugin Manual  Last Updated: 2024-07-12
Bus and channel strip
Atom sound renderer
This system supports multiple platforms, so it performs signal processing, such as effects, with software or with sound hardware of the platform.
In platforms with high computational capability, such as PC's and desktop consumer game machines, the "Atom sound renderer" software synthesizer of the system is used for processing.
Bus and channel strip
The Atom sound renderer supports the concepts of bus and channel strip for flexible signal processing.
A bus is always connected to a channel strip.
A channel strip can specify a send level for each of eight buses to produce an output.


Internal structure and connection of a voice
A voice has a sample rate converter and a channel strip and can send data to multiple buses.
After the sound data is sent, it is eventually mixed at the level of the the master bus. Then it is output as the final sound signal, using the sound library of the platform.

  • Sample Rate converter
    It converts the sampling rate of waveform data to that of a channel strip and bus.
  • Channel strip
    It has an amplifier, effects, and a panner. It can process a sound and send it to a maximum of eight buses with different send levels.
  • Effects
    Several digital audio effects can be selected.
