CRIWARE Unity Plugin Manual  Last Updated: 2024-07-12
The CRI Atom library supports "2D panning" for stereo and "3D panning" for 5.1 (7.1) channels.

2D panning
Unity does not provide 2D panning itself.
You can achieve 2D panning by using 3D panning as follows.
  • Set CriAtomSource.pan3dDistance to 1.0f.
  • Set CriAtomSource.pan3dAngle to the range of -30 to 30 for panning. (At -30, sound comes only from the left speaker; at 30, only from the right speaker.)
The above 2D panning is available only for mono sounds.
It will not work well with stereo sound.
3D panning
The following three methods can be used to configure 3D panning:

  • Setting the send level (volume) for each speaker
  • Setting the 3D panning values (angle and interior distance)
  • Setting the listener and sound sources information (position)

The interior distance is used to move the sound image between the speakers.
  • The distance of 1.0 represents the outermost periphery and the sound is played on one or two speakers.
  • If the distance is 0.0, the sound comes from all the speakers at the same volume, and the sound image is located at the listener.
  • If the distance is between 0 and 1.0, the sound comes from three or more speakers, and natural movement of the sound image is achieved.