CRIWARE Unity Plugin Manual  Last Updated: 2024-07-12
Dynamic voice assignment

Assigning a voice from the voice pool

"Dynamic voice assignment" is a feature that assigns a voice dynamically based on the priority specified for the sound.
The player handle acquires a voice from the "voice pool" in order to play a sound.
If no voice is available in the voice pool, the player handle stops playing the lowest-priority voice and uses it to play the new sound instead.


Voice limit group

You can use a "voice limit group" if for example you want to play only three or less gunshots simultaneously.
Sound priority
Make a voice limit group called "gunshot group" and set the maximum number of instances to three. Specify the "gunshot group" voice limit group for various gunshots Cues. Then only three sounds that belong to the group can be played simultaneously.
It is also possible to select a "first-in priority" or a "last-in priority" for the voice limit group.
For example, last-in priority is suitable for gunshots as the newest sound request removes the oldest sound.
The first-in priority is more suitable for dialog for example as it prevents a voice line of being stopped by the next one, which would make the dialog very hard to understand.


[Note 1] Controlling the number of sounds with a Cue and with a voice
A Cue and a voice each control the number of sounds being played separately.
The control is done first at the Cue level and then at the voice level.

[Note 2] How a Cue controls the number of sounds
  • "Cue limit"
    This parameter specifies the maximum number of sounds that the Cue can play.
  • "Category Cue priority"
    It is also possible to use a "category" to control the maximum number of sounds (from that category) that can be played simultaneously and their priority.