CRIWARE Unity Plugin Manual  Last Updated: 2024-07-12
Migrating to SDK Ver.2.94

Changed CRI Atom tools folder structure

With CRI Atom Craft Ver.3 New Feature Topics , the structure of the CRI Atom tools folder has been changed from SDK Ver.2.94.

ADX tool folder structure before change

  \ * Tools

    \ * ADX2



: Before moving


ADX tool folder structure after change

  \ * Tools

    \ * ADX2

      o * ver.2

      \ * ver.3beta




: After moving

: New addition


2019-11-29 Update:
In the SDK Ver.3.00 or later, the following changes were made.

ADX tool folder structure for SDK Ver.3.00 or later

  \ * Tools

    o * ADX2

    | \ * ver.3

    \ * Authorization




: Removed

: New addition (Required to license the ADX tool)


Changed tool license file name

In accordance with the format change of the tool license, the license file name was changed as follows.
  • cri_adx2_tools.lic -> cri_adx2_tools.v2.lic
  • cri_sofdec2_tools.lic -> cri_sofdec2_tools.v2.lic
  • crispeee_x264.lic -> crispeee_x264.v2.lic
If you use the tools included in this SDK or later SDK, the old license file is unnecessary.
2019-11-29 Update:
At the tools included in the SDK Ver.3.00 or later, license acquisition / authentication is now done online.
Register your e-mail address according to the guide displayed when starting the tool for the first time, and activate the tool license.
Please refer to the CRIWARE Authorization Tool Manual for details on license acquisition and authentication.