CRIWARE Unity Plugin Manual  Last Updated: 2024-07-12
SDK folder structure
This SDK has the following folder structure.

SDK folder structure

  o * FirstSteps

  | o * ADX Sample Project

  | | o * Ringo Attack - AtomCraft

  | | \ * Ringo Attack - Unity

  | o * QuickStart_for_Director

  | o * QuickStart_for_SoundDesigner

  | o * QuickStart_for_AudioProgrammer

  | \ * QuickStart_for_VideoProgrammer


  o * SDK

  | o * documentation

  | |  

  | \ * unity

  |   o * plugin

  |   o * samples

  |   | o * UnityProject

  |   | \ * AtomCraftProject

  |   \ * extra


  o * Tools

  | o * ADX2

  | o * AudioUtility

  | o * Authorization

  | o * Sofdec2

  | o * Others

  | | o * crifilesystem

  | | \ * version_checker

  | |  

  | \ * LicenseFiles


  \ * Expansion












[Manuals/Release Notes]



Plugin package

Sample programs

Unity sample project

Data creation sample project

Extra sample code fragments


[Data creation tools]

CRI Atom tools

Wave file manager

Authorization tools

CRI Sofdec tools


CRI File System tools

Version checking tool 'Wizz' (*)


License files for tools


Expansion plug-ins


  (*) You can get the library version information, which is required for your technical inquiry to our technical support.