CRIWARE Unity Plugin Manual  Last Updated: 2024-07-12
Notes about SonicSYNC (Android)

about configuration

If SonicSYNC is enabled, please also enable "Uses Android Fast Mixer".
This device-specific property is recommended for better synchronization with the sound buffer of the device.
Disabling this setting may cause higher latency.

Differences among the devices

On Android, the audio buffer size may vary depending on the device and OS version.
For most high-end models, the size of the sound buffer is small, therefore the playback latency is low.
However, the size of the sound buffer is larger on older models, which means that the latency will be higher.

Known Issues

Playback from devices other than the main speakers and the headphone jack

If you play back audio via HDMI cable or Bluetooth headphone, etc., the OS has to prepare some additional sound buffers.
Therefore, if you don't play back on internal speakers / via the earphone jack, the latency will increase.

There may be sound interruptions when performing certain operations on some devices

It has been reported that sound stuttering may occur when performing operations such as switching the airplane mode ON / OFF or controlling the volume on the following devices, and we are investigating the cause.
Note that this issue only occurs during the above operations and will not persist.

  • When switching the airplane mode ON / OFF: Xperia XZ (Android 8.0.0), Pixel 3 (Android 11)
  • When changing the volume: Xperia XZ (Android 8.0.0)

Restrictions when using SonicSYNC

Low-latency playback will be disabled

You cannot use the low latency playback function described in " Low-latency sound playback on Android ".
We recommend using the SonicSYNC playback instead as its latency is smaller than with the low latency playback function.
When using SonicSYNC to create a Voice Pool for low latency playback, a warning will be displayed and a normal Voice Pool is created internally.
In addition, playback requests that specify low latency playback are automatically replaced with normal playback.

Latency measurement will not work

You cannot use the latency estimation function described in " Sound playback latency estimation ".
The reason is that the latency estimated value will always be 0 due to the way SonicSYNC works.

In addition, an error will occur if CriWare.CriAtomExLatencyEstimator.InitializeModule is performed when using SonicSYNC.

Performance Details
Audio latency for each device
Model Android
Audio device
Buffer size
Using SonicSYNC
Using low latency playback
Minimum latency time
(in milliseconds)
Maximum latency time
(in milliseconds)
Average latency time
(in milliseconds)
Xperia XZ2 10 192 o - 39 65 52.45
x o 58 83 64.50
x x 104 125 114.90
Pixel 3 11 96 o - 27 61 45.70
x o 51 75 66.35
x x 78 98 90.25
Galaxy S20 5G 10 192 o - 54 80 65.25
x o 69 90 79.00
x x 121 141 128.20

The following delays are added to the "latency" described in this section:
  • Input latency of the Touch device (depends ON the device)
  • Playback request delay (depends on Atom's server frequency)
  • Audio device's buffer update delay (depends on the device)
  • delay due to the output to the physical speakers (depends ON the device)
The Atom server frequency is set to 60 when measuring the performance results.
These results are based on 20 times of testing on each device.
For the specifications of the devices used for the tests, please refer to the websites of their respective manufacturers.