CRIWARE Unity Plugin Manual  Last Updated: 2024-07-12
H.264 encoding in iOS/Android
H.264 profile
When the Sofdec encoder performs H.264 encoding for iOS/Android,
'Main' is specified as the default H.264 profile in Sofdec Encoder/CUI H.264 Ver.2.18.00 or later for the reasons below.
  • Android OS recommends the "Main" settings.
  • It is assumed that iOS and Android use common movie data.

Note: the default was previously set to Baseline.

If you want to use other profiles (Baseline/High) to improve the compression ratio and image quality,
use the console H.264 encoder and specify the subcommand:
h264_profile for encoding.
Be sure to check the operation of the H.264 playback on an actual device.
For details about the subcommand,
see Command line tools >Console H.264 encoder > h264_profile subcommand: h264_profile
in the "Sofdec Tools" User Manual
(/CRIWARE/Tools/Sofdec2/CRI_Sofdec2_Tools_Manual_e.chm) provided with the SDK.