CRIWARE Unity Plugin Manual  Last Updated: 2024-07-12
About H.264 Playback (Windows)
Operation Requirement
Operating requirements for Windows 7 or later are required for H.264 playback.
Windows H.264 playback has the following function restrictions:
H.264 License
Regarding decoding, license fee does not occur because OS side functions are used.
Please note that if the total length of H.264 video included in the application exceeds 12 minutes, license fee will be charged for the content.
Since payment of license fee will not be done on our side for contents, separate payment is required on the application side.
For details, refer to "AVC/H.264 License Terms Participation Fees" page of the following documents.
The payment of the license fee for the contents is for the case where the PC version application is released.
Payment is unnecessary in case of development use.
Known Issues
Resolution upper limit
At present, the resolvable resolution of H.264 is 1920 x 1088.
If you play a resolution higher than that, an error will result.
In the future, it is expected to be able to play up to 4096 x 2304 only on Windows 10 or later.