CRIWARE Unity Plugin Manual  Last Updated: 2024-07-12
Checking the Plugin Version


You can check the version of the plugin that was imported in a project via the following menu in the Unity Editor.
Window -> CRIWARE -> Version Information

This window displays the Script Version and the Binary Version, which indicate the version of the C# Script used by the CRIWARE plugin and the version of the native plugin library, respectively.
Press "Reload" to refresh the version information.
Press the "Copy to Clipboard" button to copy the information displayed in the upper half of the window to the clipboard.
The "plug-in version" displayed here is different from the "SDK version" included in the name of the SDK package.
Use this to report the version information or check whether the plugin is up to date.

Details window of a platform-specific library

By pressing the button with the platform name under the "Binary Version" with a red frame,
the version information of the libraries used in the project will be displayed in the Detail window.
Press the "Copy Details to Clipboard" button to copy the information displayed in the lower half of the window to the clipboard.
