CRIWARE Unity Plugin Manual  Last Updated: 2024-07-12
CRI ADX LipSync Expansion for Unity ChangeLog


  • C# Script
    • 3.2.3
  • Library
    • 1.02.00

Bug Fixes

  • [Lips][all_platform] Fixed a problem in which the set layer information did not correctly correspond to the mouth shape information when updating the ClipsMorphAnimatorWidthHeight.


  • C# Script
    • 3.2.2
  • Library
    • 1.02.01


  • C# Script
    • 3.2.1
  • Library
    • 1.02.00

Bug Fixes

  • [Lips][editor] Fixed the issue where the preview functionality integrated with the Atom Timeline extension was not working.
    • This occurred when the CRIWARE_TIMELINE_1_OR_NEWER symbol was not specified in ProjectSettings.


  • C# Script
    • 3.2.0
  • Library
    • 1.02.00

Specification Changes

  • [Lips][all_platform] Added CriWare.ICriLipsMorph.Update(ICriLipsAnalyzeModule). As a result, CriWare.ICriLipsMorph.Update(ref CriLipsMouth.Info, ref CriLipsMouth.MorphTargetBlendAmountAsJapanese) is now a deprecated API. However, even if the API is deprecated, operational compatibility remains.
  • [Lips][all_platform] Deprecated calls to CriLipsAtomAnalyzer.DetachFromAtomExPlayer with arguments due to performance improvements.

New Features

  • [Lips][all_platform] You can now select when CriWare.CriLipsDeformer morphs using the following API. It is possible to perform lip sync morphing processing after Animator runs.
  • [Lips][all_platform] CriWare.CriLipsDeformerForAtomSource.AttachToAtomSource no longer fails even when all of the following conditions are met:
    • Already attached to an AtomSource
    • The attached AtomSource is in the playing state
  • [Lips][all_platform] Added the following API to get the handle status
  • [Lips][all_platform] Added an API to obtain 1-dimensional mouth shape information specialized for models that open and close their mouths on 1 axis, and related APIs.
  • [Lips][editor] Added the ability to preview CriLipsDeformerForAtomSource that references CriAtomSource bound to Timeline when previewing an Atom Timeline track. This feature is disabled by defining "CRIWARE_DISABLE_LIPS_TIMELINE_SCRAB_PREVIEW".
    • The following are restrictions
    • When previewing with this function, the Dirty flag will not be set, but objects operated by ICriLipsMorph, such as blend shapes, may still have values (the mouth will remain open visually)
    • However, as far as we have confirmed, the Dirty flag is not set, so this is only temporary.
    • For example, there is no problem unless you open the blend shape component (SkinnedMeshRenderer) in the inspector and save it.
    • If on the user side he is using a class that inherits from CriWare.ICriLipsMorph, he must restore it to its original state with CriWare.ICriLipsMorh.Reset()
    • If the audio is played discontinuously due to scrubbing, seeking, etc., or if the drawing frame rate is different between the editor playback and the actual device, there may be a difference between the appearance during preview and the appearance at runtime.
    • This function will not work if the lip sync target CriWare.CriLipsDeformerForAtomSource.LipsMorph does not work in Editor state
    • This feature is only available in Unity 2019.3 or later editors
  • [Lips][android] Added support for the x86_64 architecture.

Bug Fixes

  • [Lips][all_platform] CriAtomSourceBase passed to CriWare.CriLipsDeformerForAtomSource.AttachToAtomSource no longer stops audio when destroying CriLipsDeformerForAtomSource.
  • [Lips][all_platform] Fixed a problem in which analysis was not performed correctly when CriLipsAtomAnalyzer was attached to the DSP bus.


  • [Lips][all_platform] CriLipsAtomAnalyzer can be attached/detached to CriAtomExPlayer during playback.


  • C# Script
    • 1.02.18
  • Library
    • 1.00.28


  • C# Script
    • 1.02.17
  • Library
    • 1.00.28


  • C# Script
    • 1.02.16
  • Library
    • 1.00.26

New Features

  • [Lips][all_platform] Attachment to CriAtomSourceForAssets is now supported.

Bug Fixes

  • [Lips][all_platform] Fixed a problem in IL2CPP builds where analysis modules were not disposed when destroying CriLipsDeformerForAtomSource and CriLipsShapeForAtomSource.


  • C# Script
    • 1.02.13
  • Library
    • 1.00.25


  • C# Script
    • 1.02.12
  • Library
    • 1.00.25

Specification Changes

  • [Lips][all_platform] The default number of handles that can be created has been changed to "8".

Bug Fixes

  • [Lips][all_platform] Fixed a problem in which the internal handle CriLipsMouth is not disposed when CriLipsAtomAnalyzer is disposed.


  • C# Script
    • 1.02.05
  • Library
    • 1.00.25

New Features

  • [Lips][all_platform] Added IsMorphTargetBlendAmountInterpolative method to ICriLipsAnalyzeModule interface. Also, implemented the method on the CriLipsAtomAnalyzer class, which inherits from ICriLipsAnalyzeModule.This enable that it can call the method in the CriLipsMouth class from CriLipsAtomAnalyzer class.

Bug Fixes

  • [Lips][macosx] Fixed an issue that prevented the LipSync plugin from loading in the Editor environment running on Apple Silicon natively.


  • C# Script
    • 1.02.04
  • Library
    • 1.00.25

Bug Fixes

  • [Lips][ios] Fixed a problem that caused link errors related to internal modules.


  • C# Script
    • 1.02.03
  • Library
    • 1.00.24

Specification Changes

  • [Lips][all_platform] With the introduction of the CriLipsDeformer class, CriLipsShape and its derived classes are now deprecated, starting with Unity 2019.3. All functionality provided by the CriLipsShape class is now available via the CriLipsDeformer class.

New Features

  • [Lips][all_platform] Added the CriLipsDeformer class and the ICriLipsMorph interface, to be used with Unity 2019.3 and higher. By inheriting this interface, the morphing process of the CriLipsDeformer class can be customized for the application.
  • [Lips][all_platform] Added mutual conversion functions between a struct and a float array for the amount of Japanese 5 vowel morph target blend information.

Bug Fixes

  • [Lips][all_platform] Fixed an issue where the Editor Inspector would not work when the Animator's Controller was an OverrideController asset.


  • C# Script
    • 1.01.03
  • Library
    • 1.00.23

Bug Fixes

  • [Lips][all_platform] Fixed a bug for v1.00.09 (and higher) where an presets in the initialization configuration of CriLipsAtomAnalyzer were changing unintentionally. (This fix will change the mouth pattern data that get from the CriLipsAtomAnalyzer. Pass Config.behaviourParamsPreset.NoBlend to CriLipsAtomAnalyzer constructor, if you want to continue getting the original mouth pattern data).
  • [Lips][all_platform] Fixed a compile error when defining CRIWARE_ENABLE_HEADLESS_MODE.


  • C# Script
    • 1.01.01
  • Library
    • 1.00.23

Bug Fixes

  • [Lips][all_platform] Fixed a problem where the mouth movement did not work properly when controlled by Animator.


  • C# Script
    • 1.01.00
  • Library
    • 1.00.23

New Features

  • [Lips][all_platform] Added the CriLipsAnalyzerForAtomSource class.
  • [Lips][all_platform] Added support for lip-sync control by specifying Animator.
  • [Lips][all_platform] It is now possible to register a delegate in CriLipsShape for modifying analysis results.


  • C# Script
    • 1.00.12
  • Library
    • 1.00.23

New Features

  • [Lips][all_platform] Added a "remove" function to unselect an already selected blendshape name.
  • [Lips][all_platform] Added support for playing the lip-sync data included in an ACB file. The reading mode can be specified in the configuration of CriLipsAtomAnalyzer.
  • [Lips][all_platform] Added a function to create CriLipsAtomAnalyzer by passing configuration settings.


  • C# Script
    • 1.00.08
  • Library
    • 1.00.20

Specification Changes

  • [Lips][all_platform] Changed the properties of the structure BlendShapeNameMapping in the internal CriLipsMeshMorph class. Due to this specification change, if you reopen the scene after updating the plug-in, the preset blend shape mapping will be initialized. Please set the blend shape again after updating the plug-in.

New Features

  • [Lips][all_platform] Added the function to change the behaviors of the mouth patterns simultaneously using the behavior parameter preset.
  • [Lips][all_platform] Added the function to read and write Adxlip files.


  • C# Script
    • 1.00.03
  • Library
    • 1.00.05

Bug Fixes

  • [Lips][all_platform] Fixed a script syntax error which would occur if headless mode was enabled.


  • C# Script
    • 1.00.02
  • Library
    • 1.00.05

Bug Fixes

  • [Lips][android] Fixed an issue in the plugin library (from CRIWARE SDK for Unity Ver. 3.00.00) that could cause a DllNotFoundException error if the app was launched on Android 6.x.


  • C# Script
    • 1.00.01
  • Library
    • 1.00.05


  • C# Script
    • 1.00.00
  • Library
    • 1.00.00


  • [Lips][all_platform] This is the first release.