CRIWARE Unity Plugin Manual  Last Updated: 2024-07-12
Release Note

Development Information

History of Changes

Restrictions (for all platforms)

  • There are no known issues in the current version.

Known Issues (for all platforms)

  • There are no known issues in the current version.


System Requirements

  • Unity 2018 or later
  • Models with ARM64/ARMv7/x86/x64-compliant CPU and Android OS 4.4 or later. (Please note that testing on the emulator is not performed.)

Test Environment

  • Android NDK (Revision r20)
  • Android SDK
  • Java Development Kit

Version Information

Library Pack

  • CRI File System Web Installer Curl Expansion
    • Ver.1.00.01
  • CRI File System Web Installer Curl Unity plugin
    • Ver.1.00.01
  • Open-source Libraries Used
    • curl
      • Ver.7.78.0
    • Nghttp2
      • Ver.1.44.0
    • OpenSSL
      • Ver.1.1.1
Licenses for open-source libraries are included in the file below.
  • cri/expansion/cri_file_system_modules/curl/licenses/license_user_in_crifs_modules_curl.txt


The plugins included in this package work with CRIWARE Unity SDK Ver.3.07.00 or above.