CRIWARE Unity Plugin Manual  Last Updated: 2024-07-12
Release Note

Development information

change history

Technology usage display

"CRI Afx Sound xR" uses Yamaha Corporation's three-dimensional sound technology.

Restrictions (common to all models)

  • There are no known limitations in the current version.

Known bugs (common to all models)

  • When performing the following steps, noise may occur for a moment.
    • Play Cue with Sound xR enabled
    • Set CriAtomExAsr.EnableBinauralizer to false during audio playback
    • Stop the Cue
    • Set CriAtomExAsr.EnableBinauralizer to true


Operating requirements

  • Unity 2018以降
  • ARM64/ARMv7 対応のCPU、Android OS 5.0以上を搭載した機種  ※エミュレータ上での動作確認はしておりません。

Operation confirmation

  • Android NDK (Revision r20)
  • Android SDK
  • Java Development Kit


Operating requirements

  • Unity 2018以降
  • armv7/arm64対応のCPU、iOS 10以降がインストールされた端末  ※シミュレータ上では動作しません。  (Unityのネイティブプラグインの動作制限のため)
  • Xcode 12.5 以降

Operation confirmation

  • iOS 17.2.1
  • Xcode 15


Operating requirements

  • Unity 2018以降
  • Mac OS X 10.13以降 (64bitのみ)

Operation confirmation

  • Mac OS X 13.3.1
  • Xcode 14.3


Operating requirements

  • Unity 2018 以降
  • Windows 7 / 8.1 / 10 / 11
  • DirectX エンドユーザーランタイム (June 2010)
  • Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1
  • Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0

Operation confirmation

  • Windows 10 Pro (64bit)

Version information

Library Pack

  • CRI Afx Sound xR Expansion
    • Ver.1.0.1
  • CRI Afx Sound xR for Unity plugin
    • Ver.1.00.01

Operating environment

The plug-ins included in this package can operate with CRIWARE Unity SDK Ver.3.10.00 or later versions.